I'm at Sofiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia's house tonight wuhuu!! We're making cookies (sorry she will be right back.. we also have to take care of the fire) "Which by the way is going mycket bra".
Anyways back to the story that I never got started, once upon a time there was a little girl.... Nope not working I'll just tell you Swedes what's really going on instead:)
I'm Nagina and I'm from Denmark (yeah I know, your favorite country in the world), I grew up in a small town with.... nope still not working huh???
Okay let's try this! IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT yeeeeeeeeah!!:P I'm at Sofia's and so far things are going great we have the house for ourselves......?:-/ And we are trying not to burn it down, we had to get the fire started because it was freeeeeeeeeeezing!
All of a sudden the house became very smoky, but no worries I knew excacly what I was doing! just the wood getting a bit hot I guess?
As told we made cookies; without eggs because someone (Sofia) thought we had eggs but noooooooooooooo eggs! The cookies turned out pretty good despite that, and if I've gained 10 kg it's Sofia and her cookies fault.
We are listening to some old Swedish songs? "Abba" have you ever heard about those dudes? They are pretty "bra" ooooohh and DANISH MUSIC WUHUU?
*ja kallar paa dajjj jaja kallar paaa dajjj !! / Jeg kalder paa dig, ja jeg kalder paa dig.....* // Sofia
Jag hoppas at mit svenska er bra? jag gillar glass det smakar bra och jag ar mycket kunstig, nej jag ar inte jag ar mycket rolig ahahahahaha. Jag vet inte vad jag ellers skal sige, hejdaa/farvel/hej hej/au revoir/ ciao ciaoooo/ bye :)
See that! Sofia tried to kill me:(
See that! Sofia didn't even share with me:(
See that! Then she fell asleep just when we were getting ready for the dishes!!:(
To sum up the night with Sofia was horrible! Jk:) it was "kul" as you Swedes would have said it:)
Love you Sofia<3